Thursday, August 30, 2007

Episode 2: Sugar Socks??? shownotes

Sorry for being late this week, Amanda and I may have to change the day we record because of school and schedules hopefully life will get more normal and we can record on time next week.

Faalon is now going by her true name Amanda

Nea's Needles
MS3 still sitting in a drawer a little past clue 3
Wheat Ear Cable Yoke by Pam Allen is waiting on sleeves to move on.

Amanda's Hook/Needles
Christmas quilt mentioned in Ep 1 see the progress here.
Poiple socks progress post here
Skull Bag

Around here we lost our heads and began having trouble concentrating. Unfortunately a fuzzy noise starts in here and I just realized this morning that it was the A/C when I heard both at the same time. We'll try to aviod that problem next time.

A's back is now feeling better (At least I guess so since she went to a concert tonight).

Santa Monica Fiber Fest

Lisa Souza - Berry Poppins, South Pacific, and Poiple.

Carolina Homespun - Malabrigo

My So Called Scarf by Stacey

Finished Grandmother Scarf

Red Scarf Project

Craft Lit Podcast check it out if you love books! They are currently reading Tristan and Iseult.


(bravo to Amanda's mad editing skills because my voice was so not consistent this time and she did great trying to correct it)

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